Collection & NFT Minting

Collection & NFT Minting

Liteflow empowers diverse NFT strategies with customizable collection creation and minting options. Benefit from our support for public open editions, exclusive private collections, external collection integration, and lazy minting to optimize gas fees.


Open Edition Collections

Facilitate user-generated content and community engagement with unlimited NFT minting.

Private Collections

Maintain exclusive control over NFT minting, similar to a private online storefront.

External Collections

Easily import & incorporate external collections like PFPs, games, and memberships.


Enable users to participate in NFT drops, sparking initial sales and engagement.

Ownership Standards

Choose between ERC721 or ERC1155 standards to match your collection’s needs.

Lazy Minting

Mint NFTs only upon sale to efficiently manage costs.

Select Your NFT Collection Type

Collection Types

Open Edition: Ideal for UGC, these collections impose no cap on NFT supply, offering freedom for user minting and metadata customization. Less suitable for controlled NFT issuance and metadata management.

Private Collection: Best for NFT-based e-commerce with full control over metadata and issuance. Not designed for user-minting scenarios.

Ownership Standards

ERC721: For unique, singularly-owned NFTs, creating distinct value and rarity.

ERC1155: For NFTs with shared ownership, perfect for memberships or game items where multiple copies are beneficial.

How to Use It

Collection Creation

From the dashboard, select and tailor your collection type from open edition to private collection.

Public Minting

Enable public minting of open editions through the integrated minter in our marketplace template, API, or SDK.

Private Collection Minting

Mint NFTs for your private collection using the minter in the dashboard.

Drops Implementation

Set up a drop via the dashboard to allow users to mint a predefined number of NFTs through custom rules, available through the marketplace template.