Get started

Get started


To get started, you first need to fork (opens in a new tab) the Starter Kit repository (opens in a new tab).

More information on what’s a fork (opens in a new tab) and how to work with forks (opens in a new tab).

Cloning your repository

Clone (opens in a new tab) your repository to start to do some edits on your marketplace.


Run the following command in your terminal:

npm install

This will install all the dependencies to run your marketplace.


To run your application, a few environmental variables need to be set.

Copy the .env.example to .env, then replace all the values according to your setup. You can find more details on the configuration page.

Run your marketplace

Everything is now ready to run your marketplace.

npm run dev

Your application is now accessible at http://localhost:3000 (opens in a new tab).


When you are ready to deploy your marketplace, you can do it in one click with Vercel.