Dynamic Fees


The CALCULATE_ORDER_FEES service is used to calculate fees in real-time, providing the ability to implement dynamic fee structures based on custom criteria.

Fees are calculated and settled when an offer is created, not when it's purchased.


type CalculateOrderFeeArgs = {
  chainId: number | undefined
  collectionAddress: string | undefined
  tokenId: string | undefined
  unitPrice: Uint256 | undefined
  quantity: Uint256 | undefined
  currencyAddress: string | undefined
  currentUser: string | undefined
  exchangeAddress: string
  feesPrecision: number

Expected result

type CalculateOrderFeeResult = {
  account: string
  value: Uint96

Use Case Example

Consider the following example of a service that returns split fees for a specific collection: the fee is always set at 5%, but if the order is from a partner collection, 2% of the 5% fee is redirected to the partner's collection.

import { CalculateOrderFeeResult, parseAndVerifyRequest } from '@nft/service'
import { NextApiRequest, NextApiResponse } from 'next'
const COLLECTION_PARTNER = '0x...'
export default async function fees(
  req: NextApiRequest,
  res: NextApiResponse<CalculateOrderFeeResult>,
): Promise<void> {
  const args = await parseAndVerifyRequest<'CALCULATE_ORDER_FEES'>(
  const fees =
    args.collectionAddress === COLLECTION_PARTNER
      ? [
          { account: '0x...', value: '300' }, // equivalent to 3% with a precision of 4 (value can be found in args.feePrecision)
          { account: '0x...', value: '200' }, // equivalent to 3% with a precision of 4 (value can be found in args.feePrecision)
      : [{ account: '0x...', value: '500' }] // equivalent to 5% with a precision of 4 (value can be found in args.feePrecision)
export const config = {
  api: {
    bodyParser: false,